Asset management

Smarter investment decisions for asset managers

Discover streamlined human intelligence & advanced technology with real-time investigation management.

We’re already safeguarding top firms worldwide
Starwood capital group, a partner of Vchecks', logo.
Lovell Minnick Partners, a partner of Vchecks', logo.
DLA Piper, a partner of Vchecks', logo.
Twin Bridge Capital Partners logo, a partner of Vcheck's.
Aquiline capital partners logo

Know more about your investments

Resources used for comprehensive due diligence investigations.

HUMINT & OSINT for best-in-class risk insights

We combine public records research (OSINT) with the expertise of in-house investigators fluent in 25+ languages (HUMINT), to uncover what others miss.

Monitor portfolio companies & third parties

Real-time workflow to monitor subjects & entities across derogatory news, political exposure, criminal records, sanctions & enforcements, & sex offender registries.

Subject charged with a DUI quickly using Vcheck monitoring.
Vcheck monitoring UI in a mac space

Everything you need at the click of a button

SOC II compliant Platform with robust permission settings & Subject grouping for scaling teams. Intuitive visualizations enable streamlined risk insights and compliance reporting.

We search what matters

Search records at the county, state, and federal level.

Criminal records uncovered by Vcheck's due diligence and monitoring services.

Cover criminal records at the county, state, and federal level including courts that require a court-runner to obtain comprehensive records.

Employment history with resume signaling Vcheck's due diligence services.

Verifies subject employment claims and corporate affiliations.

Adverse leins and judgement information found by Vcheck's immense public records research scope.

Reveal liens and judgments including county-level liens which require a court runner.

Driver's lisence and degree verification, signaling confirmation by Vcheck's due diligence and monitoring services.

Verify subjects’ education and license claims.

Legal scale, signaling new litigation found by Vcheck's due diligence and monitoring services.

Uncover litigation history and review dockets, complaints, and active cases.

News online, signaling new adverse media found by Vcheck's due diligence and monitoring services.

Comprehensive searches of news media and internet information in both English and relevant local languages.

Public records, showing new information found by Vcheck's due diligence and monitoring services.

We use the red flags located in media, litigation, regulatory enforcement, and other public records to inform subject and industry-specific questions in discreet interviews. This provides additional color to public records and can validate or alleviate concerns.

Sanctions records, signaling new sanctions and enforcements found by Vcheck's due diligence and monitoring services.

Our investigations team uses subscription-based compliance databases to search hundreds of global watchlists, global security, sanctions, law enforcement, and others.

Piles of notifications from social media, signaling new media found by Vcheck's social media background check services.

Screen social media including Facebook, Instagram, X, Linkedin, and blogs to uncover the subject’s online footprint.

Customer success stories

Experienced team,
genuine results

Learn how our clients uncovered reputational & financial
risk with our customizable due diligence workflows.

Buildings in a city clustered close together to represent the financial and reputational risk posed by complex business relationships

How Vcheck discovered reputational and legal risk indicators on behalf of a private equity firm

“Vcheck’s client had heard rumors that an acquisition target’s executive (the Subject) was a problematic person potentially responsible for defrauding customers…“

Large building representing political exposure.

How Vcheck’s discreet source interviews gave corporate firm confidence in PEP board appointment

“Vcheck’s client was considering appointing a politically exposed person (PEP) to its board. Throughout the candidate’s career, he’d risen through the ranks and earned a senior role at a firm closely tied to members of a Middle Eastern royal family…“

Large building in the middle of nowhere, much like the Subject's alias.

How Vcheck’s litigation support undermined wrongful termination claims

“Vcheck’s client, an asset management firm, was being sued by one of its former contractors, who alleged wrongful termination. The contractor sought multiple millions…“

Buildings clustered together symbolizing delicate business relationships.

How Vcheck’s M&A due diligence uncovered healthcare acquisition target’s HIPPA violations

“An investor fund focused on the U.S. healthcare market was considering acquiring a physician-owned medical clinic group…“

Large, multifaceted building signifying reputational risk.

Vcheck’s discreet source inquires alerted investment firm to potential partner’s risky reputation

“Vcheck’s client was considering a partnership with a relatively young investment firm to collaborate on a new round of investments. However, the client was wary about the firm’s founder…“


Generally, 5-7 business days. Timeframe varies depending on deal flow and jurisdiction.

Rigorous due diligence on all investment targets prior to capital deployment helps mitigate risk.

Failing to conduct proper due diligence exposes asset managers to significant losses, reputational damage, and regulatory scrutiny.

Ready to dive in?

Take the next step in secure
background checks & investigations.