Asset Searches

Uncover ownership of hidden property

Cut through property, investment, and vehicle concealment tactics with Vcheck’s asset searches.

Vcheck’s edge in business intelligence

Search property for research methodology

U.S. & International public records research & HUMINT capabilities

Global intelligence for broader insights

Research capabilities in 25+ languages across 150+ countries

Investigator and magnifying glass showing how Vcheck uncovers findings.

Discreet interviews uncover industry reputation from trusted sources

Courthouse building for document retreival.

Robust court runner network for full tax liens and bankruptcy coverage.

Uncover complex asset structures

Resources and tools Vcheck uses to uncover aliases.

Closing the paper-digital gap

Investigators use global & local media, leading databases, local court records, etc. (OSINT) to inform discreet interview questions (HUMINT).

HUMINT helps expand scope & color potential risks.

Trace assets across the globe

Vcheck’s 125+ investigators identify shell companies and asset movement patterns while uncovering hidden assets & high-risk relationships.

International graphic illustrates the languages that Vcheck's investigators speak.

Activate Vcheck’s asset intelligence

  • Foundation

    We start with our comprehensive 20-Year public records Premier Research scope to identify risks and corporate interests.

  • Detailed asset search

    Using our Premier Research as a guide, investigators dive deeper to uncover a subject’s assets and liabilities, primary corporate affiliations and known associates,  identifying hidden connections.

  • Actionable intelligence

    Investigators use strategic insight to  identify the assets and critical information you need to resolve disputes decisively.

We search what matters

Search records at the county, state, and federal level.

Cover criminal records at the county, state, and federal level including courts that require a court-runner to obtain comprehensive records.

Employment history with resume

Verifies subject employment claims and corporate affiliations.

Reveal liens and judgments including county-level liens which require a court runner.

Verify subjects’ education and license claims.

Uncover litigation history and review dockets, complaints, and active cases.

Comprehensive searches of news media and internet information in both English and relevant local languages.

Our investigations team uses subscription-based compliance databases to search hundreds of global watchlists, global security, sanctions, law enforcement, and others.

Screen social media including Facebook, Instagram, X, Linkedin, and blogs to uncover the subject’s online footprint.


Our asset searches serve REITs, CREs, lenders, and financial institutions for corporate and real estate due diligence.

Our asset searches are conducted with an unwavering commitment to client and subject privacy and confidentiality. To ensure we’re treating data sensitively, Vcheck securely files and encrypts personal details. For more information about how Vcheck protects its clients’ and Subjects’ identities, check out our trust site.

We know that 20% of jurisdictions in the U.S. don’t have digitized records–the percentage is much higher abroad. So, we use local court runners and discreet interviews to expand knowledge globally.

Ready to dive in?

Take the next step in secure
background checks & investigations.