How Vcheck discovered reputational and legal risk indicators on behalf of a private equity firm


Buildings in a city clustered close together to represent the financial and reputational risk posed by complex business relationships


Vcheck’s client had heard rumors that an acquisition target’s executive (the Subject) was a problematic person potentially responsible for defrauding customers. However, the client didn’t have any evidence to indicate such. Complicating this was the Subject’s circumstances: their name was familiar, opening the door to unhelpful search ‘noise,’ and their residential footprint spanned multiple states. Vcheck’s investigators stepped in to determine the truth.


Investigators quickly uncovered sporadic lawsuits and customer complaints involving the subject, all corroborating rumors of poor behavior. Armed with comprehensive public records research and enough investigative experience to cut through the noise, Vcheck found clear evidence: a case concerning a fraudulent property lien and anonymous but consistent reviews on a customer complaint website alleging the individual’s company scammed its customers.


Vcheck’s investigative due diligence allowed the Client to make the necessary decisions to move forward confidently.

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