Discreet Interviews

Due diligence with human context

HUMINT uncovers industry reputation and mitigates corruption risk in data-scarce environments globally.

In-depth interviews for valuable first-hand information

Step 1

Select Sources

Vcheck evaluates contacts who can provide insight.

Step 2

Sources Interviewed

Vcheck conducts discreet interviews focused on the clients’ concerns.

Step 3

Interview Integration

Vcheck crosschecks interviews and integrates information into the report.

Step 4

Report Delivery

Client receives the report and remediates noteworthy findings.

Human intelligence catches what computers can’t

In the past, Vcheck’s human intelligence (HUMINT) has uncovered industry reputation, leadership issues, corruption, ultimate beneficial ownership, additional context on findings discovered in public records, and more.

Get better risk insights internationally

We use a robust global network of journalists, industry veterans, legal professionals, regulatory sources, and government officials for informative discreet interviews in 150+ countries.

International graphic illustrates the languages that Vcheck's investigators speak.

Customer success stories

Experienced team,
genuine results

Learn how our clients uncovered reputational & financial
risk with our customizable due diligence workflows.

Buildings in a city clustered close together to represent the financial and reputational risk posed by complex business relationships

How Vcheck discovered reputational and legal risk indicators on behalf of a private equity firm

“Vcheck’s client had heard rumors that an acquisition target’s executive (the Subject) was a problematic person potentially responsible for defrauding customers…“

Large building representing political exposure.

How Vcheck’s discreet source interviews gave corporate firm confidence in PEP board appointment

“Vcheck’s client was considering appointing a politically exposed person (PEP) to its board. Throughout the candidate’s career, he’d risen through the ranks and earned a senior role at a firm closely tied to members of a Middle Eastern royal family…“

Large, multifaceted building signifying reputational risk.

Vcheck’s discreet source inquires alerted investment firm to potential partner’s risky reputation

“Vcheck’s client was considering a partnership with a relatively young investment firm to collaborate on a new round of investments. However, the client was wary about the firm’s founder…“

Two large oil barrels in a dessert, symbolizing our clients' potential partnership.

Vcheck’s international due diligence uncovers ownership concerns for a Libyan oil company

“A U.S. company was considering doing business with a Libyan oil company and asked Vcheck to conduct international third-party due diligence on the firm. Vcheck’s client was curious about the oil firm’s stakeholders, experience, and affiliations…“


The count of discreet interviews varies based on the subject, scope, and jurisdiction. The general range is between 5-10 interviews.

We utilize interviewees closely linked with the region or industry to conduct discreet interviews. Using an interviewee on the ground is paramount as it reduces the likelihood of the subject finding out about the inquires, and ensures the right threads are pulled and corroborated.

No, discreet interviews are conducted by sourcing contacts closely linked to the subject that can speak to the target’s character but aren’t referred by the target.

Red flags can arise in discreet interviews that aren’t available in public records. Good examples of this are leaders that create a toxic work culture, unethical business practices that haven’t resulted in a lawsuit, color on litigation that at face-value seems benign, etc.

Ready to dive in?

Take the next step in secure
background checks & investigations.