Tag / Podcasts
RiskWatch: Illicit Financial Flows and Illegal Wildlife Trade On this episode of Vcheck Global’s podcast RiskWatch, we speak with Global Financial Integrity’s Director of Illicit Trade Channing Mavrellis based in Washington, DC. We discuss her co-authored work— 2018’s Illicit Financial Flows and the Illegal Trade in Great Apes— and cover a number of topics connected to global corruption, illicit supply chains, and the […]
RiskWatch: The Corruption Behind Anti-Corruption Campaigns In the third episode of Vcheck Global’s podcast RiskWatch, we speak with Jessica Noll, who published a research study in February 2019 examining the history of anti-corruption efforts and institutions in Egypt titled, “Fighting Corruption or Protecting the Regime?”. In our talk, Noll explains how corruption takes hold of societies and the true motivations of […]
RiskWatch: Navigating Cannabis Compliance In this episode of Vcheck Global’s podcast RiskWatch, human intelligence expert Alex Sorin speaks with Shawn Hauser, partner and chair of the Hemp and Cannabinoids Practice Group at national marijuana law firm Vicente Sederberg in Denver, Colorado. Hauser helps marijuana (cannabis) and hemp businesses navigate intellectual property, investment, regulatory compliance, and state and federal law. […]
RiskWatch: Modern Slavery and Corporate Supply Chains Retired U.S. Ambassador at Large Luis C.deBaca joined RiskWatch for a discussion about modern slavery in corporate supply chains and what is being done to both combat and prevent it. Ambassador C.deBaca served five years in the Obama Administration to monitor and combat human trafficking before serving as the director of the U.S. Office for […]