How Vcheck’s discreet source interviews gave corporate firm confidence in PEP board appointment


Large building representing political exposure.


Vcheck’s client was considering appointing a politically exposed person (PEP) to its board. Throughout the candidate’s career, he’d risen through the ranks and earned a senior role at a firm closely tied to members of a Middle Eastern royal family. Understanding the risk involved, the client requested that Vcheck’s investigators conduct source inquiries on the candidate’s ties to understand the extent to which the candidate had personal or political connections in the foreign country. Our investigator’s source inquires specifically to determine how and if a candidate unduly benefitted from these connections, personally or professionally. Vcheck’s investigators leveraged their extensive regional source network, gathering critical reputational commentary.


Our investigators used sources professionally familiar with the candidate, who verified his industry status: As he’d appeared on paper, he was a clear expert. When investigators double-checked their findings with well-connected sources in the country, they confirmed his professional experience and skills. Additionally, they emphasized that because the candidate was a foreigner, his political profile was limited.


Vcheck’s public records research and discreet interviews found that the candidate was entirely legitimate, without inappropriate financial or interpersonal relationships with the royal family.

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